
South Cumberland
2011, oil on canvas (30" x 24")

This heritage building has plenty of character. The drawing helps to develop the composition and colour relationships.

Initial chalk drawing on an orange ground.

May 3

Pale yellow trim got attention along with some other spots during an on site session.
Justin stopped by to watch some of the process.

late May

I had a session at Local Colour where the window frames and trim were worked on. The tree was placed and the shadows and highlights were developed. This image is a bit off, but the general look is there.

The next session will include the sky, tree, and bike stand. Thank you for waiting so patiently for me to get back to this work.

June 16

I am getting back to this work today!
I will not be looking at the building directly
as the tree is now full.
The reference photos are good so I will paint
in my home studio using those.

result below


South Cumberland
2011, oil on canvas (30" x 24")